Monday, November 23, 2009

Raking Leaves

Vito helped us rake leaves last weekend. He had such a good time.

He didn't want to get in his crate.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween Party

Here are some pics from our Halloween party. Poor Brook never got a picture made of him.

My favorite court jester...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dancing Again and Turkey

Well, last night was my first night back to dance class since my foot surgery. Other than a few times I landed too hard on my foot, I survived. I figure it will be awhile before I am 100% on it again. It still feels numb and it's also swollen. Oh well! I'm also extremely sore today due to the fact I haven't done the splits or leaps since May! I'm really happy to be back even if all of the others girls are ten thousand times better than me. :)

I thought this old school pic of tap dancers was cute!

This is what I wished my leaps looked like...

On another note, I've volunteered to have Thanksgiving at my house this year! I'm very excited. This will be my first attempt at cooking a Turkey. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions or tips? My grandma made some awesome jiblit gravy when she was around. I'd love to attempt that, as well.